Support for stellar catalogs
Conversion from star catalog mean place to apparent
place, topocentric place, and local horizon coordinates
Apparent place: Position of star at some date and time
In the coordinates system defined by the true equator and equinox
of date
Ignoring atmospheric refraction
As seen from the Earth's center of mass
Topocentric place: Position of star
at some date and time
In the coordinate system defined by the true equator and equinox
of date
Ignoring atmospheric refraction
As seen from a specific location on Earth
Local horizon coordinates: Position of star at some date and time
In local azimuth and elevation coordinates
Including atmospheric refraction (optional)
As seen from a specific location on Earth
Time conversions among UT1, UTC, TAI, TDT, TDB
UT1 – Time corresponding to Earth rotation
UTC – Universal coordinated time (Civil time)
TAI – Atomic time
TDT – Terrestrial dynamic time (TAI + 32.184 sec)
TDB – Barycentric dynamic time (removes general relativistic tidal
effects from TDT)
General conversion chain:
ECF ↔ ECI conversion using quaternions
XECI = q XECF q*
q = qP* qN* qS qW
expresses that attitude of the ECF system relative to the ECI
qP (precession) accounts for precession of the mean celestial
qN (nutation) accounts for the nutation correction from the mean
celestial system of date
qS (spin) accounts for earth rotation
qW (wobble) accounts for polar motion
Earth Orientation Parameters
Precision offsets and corrections that must be measured, not
Interpolated from files containing the IERS CO4 solution (daily values from 1962
to present)